Where Can I Find a Catholic Mass Online?

by | Catholic churches near me

Do you find yourself looking for a Catholic Mass online because you have not been able or will not be able to attend Mass in person? Whether you are sick, caring for a sick person, or unable to go to Mass in person, having an option for a Catholic Mass Online today can be very beneficial.

Imagine all the time you’ve spent searching for Online Mass schedules on Google, Facebook or YouTube, browsing different parish websites, trying to find where they post the times and links to recorded online Masses, checking the parish bulletin, trying to read that PDF on your phone screen, and still, you didn’t manage to find the Mass times you need?

Going to Mass in person is not the same as watching a Catholic Mass online, but this option can be a great help if you really can’t attend Mass. As Catholic.net (in this article in Spanish) says, “Those who have a serious impediment are excused from attending Mass: an illness that does not allow you to leave home, a trip that does not give you time to attend Mass, living far from the church and not having transportation or someone to take you there, or an occupation that cannot be abandoned, for example, those who take care of the sick and have no one to replace them, in these cases or circumstances it is valid to follow the Eucharistic celebration on television”.

In this article, we will guide you through using the Catholic Mass Times app to find a Catholic Mass Online today to make it the perfect fit for you and your spiritual life.

You can use the Catholic Mass Times app to find the nearest Catholic church with Mass, Confession, and Adoration schedules. It will surely help you! Download it now.

Searching for the right Catholic Mass online and online mass schedules can be exhausting, especially if you are looking for Online Masses in your preferred language. That’s why this guide provides helpful tips and teaches you how to navigate the process efficiently using the Mass Schedules application.

We know that each person has particular circumstances, and we want to help you find a Mass where you feel welcome and can participate fully. Get ready to discover ideal Online Masses for you and enjoy an enriching spiritual experience. Let’s get started!

Don’t forget to check the complete list of nearby churches in our application, and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us. We wish you much success in your search!

Need to find Mass times at a catholic church near you? Download the FREE Catholic Mass Times app! Download it now if you are looking for a Live Catholic Mass near me
Need to find Mass times at a catholic church near you? Download the FREE Catholic Mass Times app! Download it now if you are looking for a Live Catholic Mass near me

Why go to Mass or watch Catholic Mass Online?

Attending mass is a fundamental aspect of the Catholic faith. It allows believers to participate in the Eucharist and unite in prayer with other faithful..
Sin embargo, la experiencia de la misa puede variar significativamente si uno no encuentra buenas Misas online a las que pueda participar desde su casa.

Remember that attending Mass is a routine obligation and a sacred opportunity to encounter the divine presence and grow in your faith journey..
Además de los beneficios espirituales de asistir a
mass, finding well-recorded online Masses can enhance your overall sense of belonging and connection within the Catholic community..

Need to find Mass times at a catholic church near you? Download the FREE Catholic Mass Times app! Download it now if you are looking for a Live Catholic Mass near me
Need to find Mass times at a catholic church near you? Download the FREE Catholic Mass Times app! Download it now if you are looking for a Live Catholic Mass near me

How to find Masses online in the Catholic Mass Times app

For some Catholics, the ability to attend Mass in person is not as easy as it is for others. While physical presence is the recommended and only option for the vast majority, dispensed people need a more convenient way to find Masses online. Finding an online Mass that fits your language and ideal schedule is vital to ensuring meaningful participation during the celebration.

In this article, I will show you how to use the application and its filters to find the online mass you like the most.


The Catholic Mass Times app can help you when searching for a Catholic Mass online.

Steps to find online Masses within the application:


1. Download the Catholic Mass Times app.

The Catholic Mass Times app has Mass, adoration, and confession schedules for over 100,000 churches worldwide! They are sorted by days, mass start time, languages, confession times, adoration, and parish secretary, and they contain contact information and church website. Remember that all the information in the application is submitted by users like you and corroborated by the Mass Schedule team. So, if something is outdated or your Church is missing information, don’t hesitate to send us a bug report so we can correct it!

2. Enter the application and click on the middle icon at the bottom of the screen.

This icon will take you to a list of Churches worldwide that have Live Catholic Masses. It is essential to see what language these Masses will be in. The first line in the church’s description tells the language, then the frequency and the schedule.

Important: If the link is gray, it means that the Mass has already ended, and you can watch it recorded. If the link is orange, it means that the Mass has not yet started, and you can watch it live.

3. The search engine can filter the masses by language or country.

The search engine is programmed to filter the listed churches by language or country. You can type “Spanish” or “English” and it will list the churches that offer a Live Catholic Mass today in that language.

4. Watch the Mass!

Once you have found a live Catholic Mass, you can click on the link, which will open a new tab with the page of the Church where the Mass was or will be broadcast. Some Churches have a link to the Facebook page or to Youtube, where the Mass is broadcast.

Remember that, even if you are not present in the Church, you should respect the sacrament of the Mass, and try to participate with the responses and songs as if you were there.

5. Do not forget to check that the application information is correct.

All the information in the application is submitted and corrected by users like you. So don’t forget to check that everything is correct. You can confirm it in the application! If something is incorrect in any Church, you can click “Report an Error” and upload a photo of the correct schedules or upload them by hand. For schedules or information on Online Masses, please contact us using our contact information in the “Settings” section (bottom right corner of the screen). Thank you in advance for your cooperation!

Need to find Mass times at a catholic church near you? Download the FREE Catholic Mass Times app! Download it now if you are looking for a Live Catholic Mass near me
Need to find Mass times at a catholic church near you? Download the FREE Catholic Mass Times app! Download it now if you are looking for a Live Catholic Mass near me



You can find Masses online today or any day of the week in the Catholic Mass Times app.

In conclusion, searching for Masses online today is a personal decision, as few are allowed to substitute going to Mass in person with watching Mass online. Remember that you can use the Catholic.net article to better understand the circumstances for skipping Mass and attending online Mass.

May you find an online Mass that nourishes your spiritual life, inspires your devotion, and empowers you to live your faith with joy, purpose, and love. Happy searching, and may God bless you abundantly on your quest to find the perfect church near you!

You can use the Catholic Mass Times app to find the nearest Catholic church with Mass, Confession, and Adoration schedules. It will surely help you! Download it now.