Why you should go to Mass frequently

by | Spiritual life

Attending Mass every Sunday holds profound importance, and it is not just an obligation for Catholics but it is a source of spiritual nourishment and growth.

Many of our users use the app on Sundays, and many others use it every day or several times a week. Thanks to having the schedules of so many churches around the world in the Catholic Mass Times App, it doesn’t matter if you’re at home, traveling, or far from home. This app can help you find nearby Masses wherever you are. And what a beautiful gift it is to go to Mass, not only on Sundays but every day of the week if possible!

Why Catholics should go to Mass. The importance of Mass.

Why go to Mass?

St. Augustine once said, “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.” Mass is the place where our restless hearts find solace, where our spirits are lifted, and where we are drawn closer to our Creator. It is a sacred encounter, a divine appointment that should be cherished and prioritized in our lives!

Here are a few reasons why attending Mass is essential for Catholics:

1. Encounter with Christ: The Holy Mass is where we encounter the living Christ truly present in the Eucharist. As St. John Paul II emphasized, “The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life.” Through the Eucharist, we partake in the Body and Blood of Jesus, allowing us to draw nearer to Him in a profound and intimate way.

2. Community and Unity: Mass is not just a personal experience – it is a communal one. When we gather as the Body of Christ, we strengthen our bonds of unity and share in the faith of fellow Catholics. St. Paul reminds us, “Because there is one bread, we who are many are one body, for we all partake of the one bread” (1 Corinthians 10:17).

3. Spiritual Nourishment: Just as our bodies need food, our souls also do; they require spiritual nourishment. Attending Mass provides us with the Body and Blood of Christ, the Word of God, His teaching, and guidance that equips us to face the challenges of our daily lives.

Here are a few resources you can get about the Mass that I recommend:

– Book “The Lamb’s Supper” by Scott Hahn.

– Book “Rediscover Catholicism” by Matthew Kelly.

– Disc series “The Mass” by Bishop Barron.

Remember that the Catholic Mass Times App is here to assist you in finding Mass, confession, and adoration times at churches worldwide, making it easier for you to participate in this life-transforming experience!

I want to encourage you to make attending Mass a cornerstone of your faith journey, and to share the App with your friends and relatives! As St. Padre Pio once said, “It is easier for the earth to exist without the sun than without the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.” Let us embrace this divine gift and experience the joy, peace, and spiritual growth that the Mass brings to our lives.