Morning Prayer: 4 prayers to start the day

by | Spiritual life

Each new dawn allows us to start anew, to entrust ourselves to God, and to ask for His guidance throughout the day. The morning prayer is not just a habit but a way to align our hearts with His will and open ourselves to His grace.

These moments of spiritual connection allow us to hand over our worries, thank for the blessings received, and ask for the strength needed to face the challenges that may arise. Whether upon waking, before leaving home, or during a few minutes of silence at work, starting the day with a morning prayer transforms our perspective and fills us with peace. You can add one of these prayers to the daily readings to start the new day in the best way.

In this article, we share prayers that you can say at the beginning of the day, from the most traditional to some simple and spontaneous ones, which you can adapt to your own words and circumstances. Find a moment to be alone with God and experience the serenity that only His presence can give.

Also, remember that the morning prayer is an invitation to live each day as a gift from God. It is a moment to renew our commitment to love, serve, and follow Christ in everything. By starting our day with God, we ask Him to accompany us and offer Him our actions, thoughts, and decisions as a form of praise. Thus, every task, no matter how small, becomes an opportunity to glorify Him and reflect His love in the world.

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List of Morning Prayers

1. Morning Prayer to Jesus

We invite you to pray this beautiful morning prayer. It is ideal to start the day with a willing and trusting heart. In it, we ask God to guide us, transform us, and make us instruments of His love:

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Lord, in the silence of this day that is born,
I come to ask You for peace, wisdom, and strength.

Today I want to look at the world with eyes full of love.
Be patient, understanding, humble, gentle, and good.

See Your children behind appearances,
as You see them Yourself,
so that I can appreciate the goodness in each one.

Close my ears to all gossip.
Guard my tongue from all malice.
May only thoughts that bless remain in me.

I want to be so well-intentioned and good
that all who approach me feel Your presence.

Clothe me in Your goodness, Lord,
and make me reflect You this day.


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2. Short and Easy Morning Prayer

We propose this simple yet profound prayer to start the day. It is a way to place our trust in Him, seek reconciliation, and live each moment under His love and direction. You can memorize it and pray it both in the morning and at any time of the day:

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Lord, I give You my life and my day.
Help me to reconcile with You, to
live from Your love in the Eucharist and to
accept Your will with faith and
humility. Everything I am and do, I
place in Your hands.


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In times of difficulty, we can find an example and support for our prayer life in the saints. Discover these beautiful morning prayers inspired by the words of the saints.

3. Morning Prayer of Saint Therese

Saint Therese - Morning Prayer

Offering our daily actions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is an act of love and dedication that helps us live each moment in communion with God. Through this morning prayer, we consecrate our thoughts, words, and deeds, uniting them to the merits of Christ, and seek to repair our faults with humility and trust in His mercy.

We share with you this morning prayer of Saint Therese that you can pray at the beginning of the day. It is a way to ask for the grace to fulfill God’s will and to accept each experience as an opportunity to grow in holiness and love:

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Oh my God, I offer You all my actions
of this day for the intentions and for the glory of the
Sacred Heart of Jesus.

I wish to sanctify every beat of my heart,
every one of my thoughts, my simplest works,
uniting them to His infinite merits;
and I wish to repair my sins by casting them
into the furnace of His Merciful Love.

Oh my God, I ask for myself
and for those I hold dear,
the grace to perfectly fulfill Your Holy Will,
to accept for love of You the joys
and sorrows of this passing life,
so that one day we may be
united in heaven for all Eternity.


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4. Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi to offer the day

Saint Francis of Assisi - Morning Prayer

This beautiful prayer, “Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,” attributed to Saint Francis of Assisi, invites us to be bearers of peace, love, and hope in a world that so desperately needs it. It is a call to live with generosity and humility, always seeking to reflect the light of Christ in our words and actions.

We share with you this morning prayer so that, by praying it, you can offer your day as an instrument of God’s grace. It is a prayer that transforms the heart and reminds us that, in giving and serving, we find true joy and fulfillment:

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.

Where there is hatred, let me sow love;

where there is injury, pardon;

where there is doubt, faith;

where there is despair, hope;

where there is darkness, light;

and where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek

to be consoled as to console;

to be understood as to understand,

to be loved as to love,

for it is in giving that we receive,

it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,

and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.


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Maintaining a constant and sincere relationship with God is an essential aspect of our life as Catholics. This includes the call to reconcile with Him through the sacrament of confession, an act of love and humility that allows us to experience His infinite mercy. While God’s forgiveness is always available, going to the confessional helps us heal and strengthen our relationship, leaving us renewed and prepared to live in His grace.

Moreover, nothing compares to the experience of participating in the Holy Mass, the most perfect and powerful form of prayer. In each Eucharist, we unite with Jesus in His sacrifice and receive the greatest gift He left us: His Body and Blood. The Mass is not just a celebration; it is the center of our faith and the moment when our prayers reach their deepest level, as they are united with the very sacrifice of Christ.

Finally, accepting God’s will is the most significant expression of faith, which can be done in the morning prayer. Let us trust He has a perfect plan for us amid our joys and challenges. His will is always for our good, even when we do not fully understand it. By surrendering to His guidance, we find true peace and purpose.