The Eucharist, whose name means “thanksgiving”, is the perfect means to give thanks to God for His countless gifts. The Holy Mass is an act in which the faithful not only remember God’s goodness and mercy, but also respond to that generosity with grateful hearts. As the Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches, “the Eucharist is thanksgiving and praise to the Father” (CCC, 1358).
In this article, we will reflect on how we thank God in the Mass, exploring the prayers that express this gratitude and how we can participate more fully in this act of love.
Keep reading to find tips on benefiting from the Holy Mass and participating with an open heart!
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In which Prayers of the Holy Mass do we thank God?
The structure of the Holy Mass is imbued with moments to thank God. These prayers reflect not only our individual gratitude but also the actions of the entire Church in response to divine love.
1. Preface
The preface of the Eucharistic Prayer is a proclamation of gratitude that elevates the entire assembly to heaven. In it, the priest invites the faithful, saying: ‘Let us give thanks to the Lord our God,’ to which we respond: ‘It is right and just.’ This initial dialogue prepares our hearts to praise and thank God for His creation, redemption, and constant providence.
The preface begins with the dialogue between the priest (P) and the faithful (F):
2. Eucharistic Prayer
The Eucharistic Prayer, the center of the liturgy, is an act of thanksgiving to God. During this solemn moment, the Church expresses its gratitude to God by remembering Christ’s sacrifice and acknowledging the fruits of His redemption. This prayer invites us to unite our voices and hearts to thank God the Father for the gift of His Son and the salvation He offers us.
The Eucharistic Prayer includes:
- The Epiclesis, where the Holy Spirit is invoked to consecrate the bread and wine.
- The Anamnesis, where Christ’s sacrifice and resurrection are remembered.
- The intercessions, where prayers are offered for the Church, the faithful departed, and all of humanity.
3. We Give You Thanks
After receiving Communion, the assembly is invited to silent prayer or to participate in a thanksgiving song to God. This is a moment of intimacy with Christ, where our gratitude for His real presence in the Eucharist becomes a personal response of love.
Thanksgiving Prayer by Saint Thomas Aquinas for after communion:
How we can better live the Holy Mass to thank God:
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