Saint Anthony of Padua, born in 1195 in Lisbon, Portugal, began his religious life with the Congregation of Canons Regular of St. Augustine. Inspired by the martyrdom of Franciscan missionaries, he joined the Franciscans with the intention of preaching in Africa, although illness diverted him to Italy.
Recognized for his eloquence and theological teachings, he became a highly respected figure, achieving many conversions and being named Doctor of the Church.
Saint Anthony was very devoted to prayer and service, his sermons attracted large crowds, and resulted in numerous conversions.
However, his health deteriorated and he died in 1231 at the age of 36. His legacy of miracles and his depiction with the Child Jesus underscore his profound impact, leading to his canonization shortly after his death. His life continues to be a testimony of faith and dedication, inspiring believers around the world.
Note: Remember that you can use the Catholic Mass Times app to find the nearest Catholic church with Mass, Confession, and Adoration schedules. You can also find the schedule and links to live broadcasts, as well as search for Mass times filtered by location, time, or day.
2 Important Churches in the Life of Saint Anthony of Padua
Lisbon Cathedral, Portugal
By Antonio Gil – Own work, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0,
En esta catedral fue bautizado San Antonio de Padua, y aún se conserva el baptisterio donde recibió el sacramento del bautismo. Además, en este lugar fue instruido por los clérigos y participó en el coro.
Según la página web de la catedral, en la pared de la escalera que conduce al coro alto, se encuentra la cruz de San Antonio.
Se cuenta que, mientras era estudiante del colegio de la catedral, el demonio intentó tentarlo en esta área, pero el futuro franciscano y Doctor de la Iglesia lo ahuyentó con un signo.
De acuerdo con la revista “Mensageiro de Santo António” de los Frailes Menores Conventuales, este evento también quedó registrado en un canto, el cual relata que el joven San Antonio vio pasar cerca de la catedral a una hermosa mujer judía.
Él quedó tan impresionado por su belleza que un día, mientras subía las escaleras del coro, la muchacha se le apareció sonriendo. En medio de su desconcierto y deseo, invocó la ayuda del Señor y trazó una cruz, lo que hizo que el demonio disfrazado de mujer desapareciera.
La catedral señala que esta señal se puede ver grabada en la pared y que este milagro podría haber sido el primero del santo.
- Para más información de esta Iglesia, visita la página web de la Catedral de Lisboa
- Ubicación: Largo da Sé 1, 1100-585 Lisboa, Portugal
Basilica of Saint Anthony of Padua, Italy
By Tango7174 – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
Esta Basilica de San Antonio (Santa Maria Mater Domini) es una de las iglesias más grandes del mundo visitada anualmente por más de 6.5 millones de peregrinos, lo que la convierte en uno de los santuarios más venerados del mundo cristiano!
En esta Basílica se conservan las principales reliquias de San Antonio, así como su tumba. En la capilla de las reliquias, dentro de la Basílica, se encuentra, en el nicho central la Lengua incorrupta de San Antonio; más arriba, el relicario del Mentón del Santo, y en alto, el relicario de la cruz de cristal. La capilla custodia también el hábito de San Antonio y la caja que contenía sus restos mortales.
- Para más información de esta Iglesia, visita la página web de la Basílica de San Antonio de Padua.
- Ubicación: Piazza del Santo, 11, 35123 Padova PD, Italy
Prayers to Saint Anthony of Padua
The Miraculous Prayer
O blessed Saint Anthony, the gentlest of all saints, your love for God and your charity for his creatures made you worthy, when you were here on earth, of possessing miraculous powers. Please intervene on my behalf. Whisper my request to the Child Jesus, who loved to be held in your arms…
(Mention your request)
O Saint Anthony, saint of miracles, whose heart was full of compassion, I pray you hear my prayer and forever have my gratitude.
Prayer to find a husband or wife
You who are full of glory, love and infinite goodness, I acclaim you today who are good to all who need your help. That you are merciful to all who seek the happiness of having an ideal love by their side.
You who are full of love, I implore you to grant me the joy and happiness of being able to concentrate the love that will always accompany me. I beg you to find that ideal person, my other half, the complement to my life, the missing piece to put my world together.
You who have so many virtues, I ask you to help me, to give me this miracle of love. I give you my heart to reach that true love that I dream of so much. Today I come to you in my desperation, but full of love, you are a pure person, you are a good person and I trust you to get this help.
You are merciful, you are charming, you are that person who is always looking for the happiness of others, so I ask you to help me find that soul mate who is waiting for me, who thinks of me wondering also where in the world I will be. I only think of the moment when we can unite our minds, our body, our spirit, our hearts.
I know that you will listen to me and help me with my prayers so that my soul may find happiness with my eternal love. Let love be reborn in me like a flower in springtime and let me find that being in this world. Grant me the joy of sharing my soul and give me bliss and prosperity when that happens.
You who are an expert in matters of love. You who guide our feelings and loves along the right path. You who help us to fulfill our desires by changing our sorrows into happiness, hear this humble supplication that I make from the depths of my loneliness. Make the loneliness that I am living disappear. Fill this void in my sentimental life.
I wish with all my strength for a good love to come, a true and unconditional love. I want a person who will love me completely and thus form a couple full of love. Dear Saint Anthony, make love come into my heart.
I want my soul mate to appear and to be a respectful, generous and open person. Be noble, fair and kind-hearted. Be a good human being full of gentleness, willing to give and receive love. Mighty Saint Anthony, do not allow my supplications to go unanswered.
I have much love to give and I know that I can make happy the person who gives me his love, so I beg you to grant me your help. Today I open my heart to love and therefore I implore you to stay with me for a good time. Saint Anthony this favor will never be forgotten. I will always keep your mercy present in my soul.
Prayer of thanksgiving
Glorious Thaumaturge, father of the poor, you who have prodigiously discovered the heart of a miser hidden among gold, by the great gift you have had of always having your heart directed to the miseries of the unfortunate, you who offered to the Lord my supplications and through your intercession they have been heard, accept as a sign of my gratitude, the offering that I place at your feet to help the unfortunate.
Help those who suffer, like me; come to the aid of all to help us in our temporal needs, but above all in our spiritual needs, now and at the hour of our death.
Note: Remember that you can use the Catholic Mass Times app to find the nearest Catholic church with Mass, Confession, and Adoration schedules. You can also find the schedule and links to live broadcasts, as well as search for Mass times filtered by location, time, or day.