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Are you looking for “nearest Catholic Churches to me”? Looking for the nearest Catholic church?

Try Catholic Mass Times, #1 Catholic church locator and Mass times App with over 80,000 churches listed. Quickly find times for Mass, Adoration, and Confession near you for free today.

Quickly find the nearest Catholic church to you.


“Love the app!”


“I use the app nearly on a daily basis to find masses in my hometown and when I have to travel due to work.”


“Thanks to your app, I have been able to find mass in so many places, when on vacation or in my own city!”


“It’s very helpful to have updated info about churches around the world. I use the app often, thank you!”

Catholic Mass Times - Locate nearby Catholic churches and Mass times


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“I just find the app extremely helpful.”


“Help keep active and improve a service that I consider very important for Catholics.”


“I have used the app many times as I travel and when I do I need to find the nearest catholic church to attend Mass.”

Find Catholic churches and Mass times nearest you. You can even find Confession and Adoration times.

Always know which Catholic churches are near you and what times are for weekday and weekend Masses. Also know when parishes offer adoration and confession.

Catholic Mass Times - Find churches near me


Locate every Catholic church around you. Search locations in every city around the world.

Catholic Mass Times - Find churches near me


Quickly find nearby Catholic churches, Masses, weekday and Sunday Mass times.


Catholic Mass Times - Find churches near me


Easily find Confession times for all Catholic churches near you.


Catholic Mass Times - Find churches near me


Easily find Adoration times at Catholic churches near you.


Over 120,000 Catholics use the
Catholic Mass Times app each month.

Quickly find what Catholic parishes are nearby and the times are for Sunday Mass, weekday Mass, Adoration, and Confession.

Over 80,000 churches listed.

Church and parish information is updated daily.

Catholic Mass Times - Find the nearest church on the map near me, worship times, confession and more!

Easy to use.

“This app has gotten me to go to Mass more and even adoration. I cannot believe it is free!

It is so easy to use and is con­stant­ly be­ing up­dat­ed with new or corrected information about each parish. If you’re not sure, just download it and see for yourself.

I don’t think you will be dis­ap­point­ed. Best of all… it is FREE to use!”

Free to download.

“The Catholic Mass Times app provides you with useful information about each parish: Mass schedules, church addresses, and contact information.

Users can also access church websites from the app.

It is convenient and easy to use, and it provides users with all the information they need to attend Mass. Catholics who frequently travel or live in different areas will find this app particularly useful.”

Catholic Mass Times - Find churches near me

Catholic Mass Times